
Katherine Voepel Ward

After 4 years working exclusively as a Physical Therapist Katherine noticed she was often searching for that final missing piece in her patient’s rehabilitation. They were close to full recovery, but  needed ongoing continued care and work on various sites of weakness or stiffness. Kat wanted more for her patients than just being cut loose to fend for themselves unsupervised. She found the missing piece with Pilates and is in the process of undergoing comprehensive teacher training through Balanced Body. 

Her background as a PT provides her with deeper insight than the average Pilates instructor and makes her an ideal instructor for those with comorbidities, ongoing pathologies, or previous injuries. She loves helping clients of all ages and activity levels improve their body awareness, strength, and flexibility.


Glora Ostrum

Glora started her fitness career in 2000. She fell so in love with fitness that she decided to get certifications and teaching experience in cycling, kickboxing, water aerobics, circuit training, mat pilates, and taichi. In 2002, she became certified in Pilates Reformer and Cadillac and fell in love with the exercises. When she compares her time working in different fitness classes to her time in Pilates, she says that Pilates always leaves her feeling good all day long rather than the one or two hour high that traditional workouts provide.

In mid-2000s, she received extra training in BASI Pilates and received her certification. She feels that Pilates is not only a more physical challenge than traditional workouts but also is more holistic, almost spiritual.


Julia Moody

Julia began her journey in Pilates from the therapeutic setting with her patients as a Physical Therapist Assistant. Seeing the great changes in her patients, Julia decided to pursue further into the body work of Pilates. It was not long after beginning instructor training that everything she was seeing in the therapeutic setting began making complete sense. Following the footsteps of Physical Therapist and Sports Rehab Owner Katherine Voepel Ward, Julia completed the Balanced Body Trapeze and Reformer training with plans to complete comprehensive certification.

 “It is beautiful to see the changes in people's bodies and watch their movements translate into their daily lives. I strive to build body awareness and healthy movement patterns that allow my clients and patients to move better.”

-Julia Moody